
You’re Always the Winner with Sharjah Wheel Of Colors


Sharjah Cooperative Society launched the Alwan of Sharjah campaign under the banner “You’re Always the Winner with “Sharjah Wheel Of Colors” at Helwan branch, and it invited residents of Helwan area to celebrate this event this kicked off on 24 February and due to continue until 29 February.
The name of the campaign was chosen for the similarity between the words “Helwan” (the name of the neighborhood) and “Alwan” (colors). This celebration expresses the joy and the strength of ties between the residents of Helwan area, with prizes and surprises inside the branch and a variety of activities for families outside it.
The campaign gives everyone the chance to enjoy traditional food and dance shows, make-up gifts for ladies and a variety of recreational activities for all family members.
Shoppers have the chance to win instant prizes including iPhone6, Samsung television sets and free weekends at Marjan Island, and many other prizes.
The campaign has been well received and the branch has enjoyed heavy footfall during the campaign period.

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