
Sharjah Cooperative Organizes “Umra” Trip to Mecca


Sharjah Cooperative has patronized a trip to Mecca for 49 of its staff to perform “Umra”, as part of its strategy to help them in all ways possible.

Jassim Al Mazmi, Administrative Services Section head said the Cooperative was keen to organize this trip every year at the directives of board directors and with much care provided by His Excellency Majid Al Junaid, General manager, and under the supervision of Emad Eldin Abdelkader, Administration Department Manager.

Jasim Al Mazmi pointed out that the Cooperative organizes this trip every year to allow the largest number of staff to make Umra who otherwise would not be able to afford it, and provides this trip to new and outstanding employees as a reward for their efforts and as an incentive to other staff.

He added that the Cooperative has provided its staff with food, drink and transportation and 5-star hotel accommodation. A team of supervisors have accompanied staff making Umra including scholars who will provide advice and information on the rituals involved.

The Cooperative has worked with a specialist tourism company to organize this trip, which includes visiting the two most holy mosques and other sites in Medina too.
Participating staff expressed their appreciation for this trip and thanked the management for its efforts to make this trip a yearly event.

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